本商行主要经销:彩带眼睫毛、铂金铂银眼睫毛、羽毛的、镶钻的、亮粉亮片夜光的、种植的、人发的、各种颜色的化纤眼睫毛、有绑的、有粘的、有机制的、嫁接眼睫毛胶水、嫁接毛专用胶欢迎选购也可来样加工。 本产品远销 中东..南美..欧美..日韩等国家.... 本商行为厂家直销...品种繁多.....欢迎新老客户来样定做......
在假睫毛边缘涂上少许粘合胶,因两端容易脱落,用量应稍多一些,粘合胶不要粘在假睫毛上。然后沿着自己的睫毛涂上一层睫毛胶。粘合胶临干时粘合力最强,要过大约5秒钟以后,待粘合胶快干的时候,要把假睫毛弯一弯,使之变柔软。然后,眼睛正视镜子, 调整好假睫毛的角度,沿睫毛根轻轻按上假睫毛。用手按大约10秒钟左右,使真假睫毛完全揉合。如果胶水涂得适量,假睫毛会很自然的与真睫毛结合。如果眼角的睫毛脱落,这说明不是胶水少了便是没有将睫毛按好。这时,可以用一根牙签,挑上一点胶水涂在眼角处,再小心地按住睫毛,等胶水干后睫毛便固定了。值得注意的是,粘合胶临干时结合力最强,在皮肤上是透明的,效果好。如果粘合胶未干时便贴上去,假睫毛粘不牢就会下垂。再反复几次,粘合胶会变得发白,只好用眼线笔来涂改进行遮盖。
Paste false eyelash In the false eyelash besmear on a little adhesive glue edge, for both ends easy to fall off, dosage should be a little more, adhesive glue don"t stick on false eyelash. And then down your eyelash besmear a layer of eyelash glue. When the adhesive glue the strongest bonding strength, to about 5 seconds later, adhesive glue to fast drying, the false eyelash, bend a bow is soft. Then, the eye to face up to the mirror, adjust the Angle of false eyelash eyelash root, press gently along the false eyelash. Use your hands to about 10 seconds or so, make true and false eyelash with completely. If glue tu2 right amount, false eyelash will be very natural and true eyelash combined. If the eyelash of the canthus fall off, this is not glue that less is not good. According to the eyelash At this time, can use a toothpick, pick on a bit glue on the corner place, again carefully hold eyelash, etc the glue eyelash....... He fixed Note the adhesive glue, the strongest bonding, when on the skin is transparent, the effect is good. If not then stick adhesive glue dry up, false eyelash to glue rickety will prolapse. Then again and again several times, adhesive glue will become white and have to use eyeliner to alter to cover.