以现代的设计手法和光影效果营造出一个充满禅意的个性空间,使每位来临的人士都可以感受到其文化的精神所在,使往成为一种精神上的享受,演变为一种文化现象。 恬情、和谐朴素的线条轻轻带出简约的美,摒弃无用的一切,让生活成为一种艺术。 A stylistic space filled with chan implication is ceated based on moden design methods togethe with light and shade,so that evey visito can feel its cultual spiit,so that living in it becomes a kind of spiitual enjoyment and a kind of cultual phenomenon. Quiet hamonious simple lines take out of the bief gently beauty abandon useless let life become a kind of at.
进口ABS塑料材质,承重力强,优雅圆拱设计,轻便简洁,是同时拥有多种功能的周转超级宝贝,可以做小茶几、角几、脚凳、小凳、换鞋凳、浴室凳、花架!现代家居里怎能少了它呢?尺寸:45*45*45.黑色 白色 红色很cool哦~